Alexandrit Kristall / Alexandrite crystal
Gewicht / Weight: 3,19 Carat
Größe / Size: 9 x 7,5 x 6,5 mm
Reinheit / Clarity: transluzent
Farbe / Color: Intensiv grün im Tageslicht, helles grauviolett im Kunstlicht / intense green in daylight, bright grey violet color in artifical light
Schliff / Cut: keiner, natürlicher Kristall / none, natural crystal
Herkunft / Origin: Lake Manyara, Tansania / Tanzania
Alexandrite crystal with colorchange from the Alexandrite deposit of Lake Manyara in Tanzania. In daylight the Alexandrite is intense emerald green - much more intense than visible in the picture. Due to the colorchange abilities of Alexandrite it is not possible to get the natural colors on the photo. In weak artificial light, e.g. the light of a candle or a light bulb the color of the Alexandrite changes into a bright grey violet color.