Alexandrit Stufe / Alexandrite specimen
Größe / Size: 45 x 42 x 18 mm
Reinheit / Clarity: opak-transluzent
Farbe / Color: Dunkles fast schwarzes Grün im Tageslicht, violett im Kunstlicht / very dark almost black green in daylight, violet color in artifical light
Schliff / Cut: keiner, natürliche Stufe / none, natural specimen
Herkunft / Origin: Carnaiba, Brasilien / Brazil
Alexandrite specimen with colorchange from the Alexandrite deposit of Carnaiba in Brazil. In daylight the Alexandrite crystal shows the typical color for Carnaiba Alexandrite, a very dark almost black green - much more intense than visible in the picture. Due to the colorchange abilities of Alexandrite it is not possible to get the natural colors on the photo. In weak artificial light, e.g. the light of a candle or a light bulb the color of the translucent areas on the edge of the Alexandrite change into an intense violet color.