Edelstein / Gemstone: Dolomit (Dolomitspat) / Dolomite
Gewicht / Weight: 3,61 Carat
Größe / Size: 13 x 8 mm (5 mm Höhe / height)
Reinheit / Clarity: SI, kleine Einschlüsse / SI, small inclusions
Farbe / Color: weiß / white
Schliff / Cut: Oval
Herkunft / Origin: Brasilien / Brazil
Facetted Dolomite with high clarity and brillance. Stone shows much more fire in nature! Ambitious collectors will know Dolomite as a mineral-specimen with rough, opaque to translucent crystal-clusters. Cuttable material in gemquality is a rare exception. Fine collector`s gem, due to it‘s low hardness Dolomite is cut for collectors only.