Edelstein / Gemstone: Quarz mit Hämatit / Quartz with Hematite
Gewicht / Weight: 5,44 Carat
Größe / Size: 12 x 10 mm (6 mm Höhe / height)
Reinheit / Clarity: transparent
Farbe / Color: farblos mit orangeroten Hämatiteinschlüssen / colorless with redorange Hematite inclusions
Schliff / Cut: Kissenschliff / cushion cut
Herkunft / Origin: Madagaskar
Unusual Quartz with natural Hematite inclusions. The redorange Hematite gives this gem a glow very similar to Sunstone. This rare Quartz variety comes from a new find in Madagascar. B-quality due to an exclusion on the table facet.