Edelstein / Gemstone: Wüstenglas / Desert Glass
Gewicht / Weight: 2,06 Carat
Größe / Size: 10 x 7,5 mm (4,5 mm Höhe / height)
Reinheit / Clarity: kleine sichtbare Einschlüsse / small visible inclusions
Farbe / Color: Champagnerfarben / champagne color
Schliff / Cut: Antikschliff / antique cut
Herkunft / Origin: Großer Sandsee, Ägypten / Great Sand Sea, Egypt
Desert glass results from the impact of a meteorite in northern Africa around 30 Mio. years ago. The energy of the impact melted the sandstone in the impact area and pushed the material into the atmosphere. Then it cooled down and fell back to the ground as desert glass. In the early stone age humans used this material for sharp weapons and tools. In the pharaonean area desert glass was used for jewelry together with gemstones, in the tomb of Tutanchamun jewelry and insignia made with desert glass were found. The material for this cut desert glass comes from an old find. Cut Desert Glass is quite rare in the trade. This gem has received a fine cut. Rare collector gem or for unique jewelry.