Edelstein / Gemstone: Jeremejewit / Jeremejewite
Gewicht / Weight: 0,28 Carat
Größe / Size: 7,5 x 2 mm (1,5 mm Höhe / height)
Reinheit / Clarity: SI kleine Einschlüsse / SI small inclusions
Farbe / Color: farblos / colorless
Schliff / Cut: Baguette
Herkunft / Origin: Erongo mountains, Omarura, Namibia
Offered is a rare Jeremejewite. They were once just found in Germany at the Emmelberg, today some more deposits are known. One of them is located in Namibia (Erongo mountains) where this faceted gem comes from. Jeremejevit is a rare Alumoboroxide - clear and good faceted collector piece.