Edelstein / Gemstone: Skapolit (Petschit) / Scapolite (Petschite)
Gewicht / Weight: 0,53 Carat
Größe / Size: 5,5 x 5,5 mm (3,5 mm Höhe / height)
Reinheit / Clarity: VSI sehr kleine Einschlüsse / VSI very small inclusions
Farbe / Color: helles Violett / bright violet
Schliff / Cut: Rund / round
Herkunft / Origin: Mlembule, Mpwapwa, Tansania
Petschite is the name for the rare violet variety of Scapolite. This Petschite shows bright violet color, good brillance and is very clear. Fine collector gemstone or for unique jewelry.