Mineral: Bixbit (roter Beryll) mit Bixbyit / Bixbite (red Beryl) with Bixbyite
Größe / Size: 5 x 4,5 x 3,5 mm
Reinheit / Clarity: transluzent
Farbe / Color: Helles Rosarot und schwarz / bright rose red and black
Schliff / Cut: keiner, natürlicher Kristall / none, natural crystal
Herkunft / Origin: Topaz mountain, Utah, USA
Unique collectors piece: terminated Bixbite crystal from Utah, USA accompanied by black Bixbyite crystal. Due to inclusions of matrix stone inside the crystal the color is brighter than usual for Bixbite. Rare combinatin of Bixbite and the almost similar spelled Bixbyite!