Edelstein / Gemstone: Opal (Edelopal) / Opal (noble Opal)
Gewicht / Weight: 3,32 Carat
Größe / Size: 10,5 x 10,5 mm (6 mm Höhe / height)
Reinheit / Clarity: transluzent
Farbe / Color: schwarz (behandelt) mit sehr feinem Farbenspiel / black (treated) with very fine colorplay
Schliff / Cut: Rund Cabochon
Herkunft / Origin: Äthiopien / Ethiopia
Genuine, treated Opal from Ethiopia. A white natural Opal was heated with carbon, which enters the stone completely and up to the total centre permanently. The colorplay is not influenced by this treatment, just the matrix color. After this treatment the Opal looks like a black Opal. Just high grade white Opal with fine colorplay can be used for this process. Top quality for the collection or setting in jewelry.